Monday 7 July 2014

03 July 2014 Year 5/6 Girls Football Tournament

On the hottest day of the year the year 5/6 football team headed off to Coach Road, in Newton Abbot for the annual football tournament. We started off confidently and secured a victory with a 5-0 win over Kingskerswell. Our next fixture was against Bradley Barton and again with some fantastic team play we ended up winners with a 6-0 scoreline.  The following fixtures were a repeat of the first 2 matches, luckily for us these re matches resulted in very similar outcomes. We progressed to the semi finals with a clean scoresheet!
The semi final match was against a strong Highweek side. This was where our first challenge came. Highweek scored, we had a  big task ahead to remain in the competition. With true determination Hannah used her skills to forge forward and score the equaliser, from then on our confidence returned and we managed to go on to win the tie 4-1!
Decoy, our regular nemesis, were our final opponents. Playing to retain our title as tournament winners the girls gave it their all and worked so hard , as a team, and grabbed victory!!!!
Champions again!!! Mr Lee was unable to attend the tournament but can be safe in the knowledge that the girls did him proud and deserved their win!! Well done, Hannah, Sophie, Ella, Jasmine, Madi, Arabella, Abbie, Shawna and Mr Slinger( parent helper).

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