Tuesday 1 April 2014

Year 6 Netball 31st March against Highweek

On Monday 31st March, the 2 Rydon teams went to play their last fixture of the season at Highweek Primary School. When we finally arrived ( after one car took a slight detour ) we started with the B team fixture.  After the first quarter we were 5 goals up, Bradley scored 4 and Amelia !.  In the next quarter we scored a further 2. in the end we finished with a score line of 15-0. Well done to everyone!

Now it was the "A" teams chance to shine. The first quarter saw us score 3 goals and our opponents scored 1. In the second quarter we scored 2 more goals, 1 by Charlotte Parker and 1 by Millie West. In the third quarter 3 more goals were scored by Ella and Madi. During the last 5 minutes we managed to get another 2 goals scored by Holly and Amber. The final score was 9-1.

I would like to congratulate everyone on their win and fingers crossed we will have news soon about our league placing.  We would like to say a massive thank you to Mrs Clark for coaching us and giving up her time to coach us. She is the best coach we could ask for.

Report by Charlotte.

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